Interdisciplinary and Comprehensive Learning

In Japan, the “Period for Integrated Study” was added to the existing subject for lower secondary schools in FY2002 and for upper secondary schools in FY2003. It aims at assisting students to develop the capabilities and abilities to discover problems by themselves, and resolve those problems correctly. It also aims at assisting students to learn and reason, to develop their minds to independently and creatively cope with problem-solving activities and researching activities and to deepen their understanding of their own ways of life.
In NWUSS, Integrated Study has been the vital part of our curriculum since we established it in 1989. We also provide Environmental Studies for Year 3 and Global Studies for Year 4.

We aim to:-

  1. help students to understand the present complex reality of the natural environment and globalized society in which they live, to develop , extend and promote the understanding until they establish a vision for the future.
  2. get all students involved in the process of problem solving.
  3. help students not only to learn ABOUT the environment and the world, but also to learn FROM them, based on the idea that we are all part of the whole system. In order to obtain these aims, students are expected to be active in lectures, not passive attendees.